
Who can become members?
Orthopedic Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, General Surgeons, Trauma surgeons, Emergency care surgeons, Micro-Surgeons, Physician and Medical Professionals may become the member of the Society on being so approved by the Executive Committee.

The Association comprises five membership categories:

  1. Active Members,
  2. Emeritus Members,
  3. Distinguished Members,
  4. Associate Members,
  5. Honorary Members.


Resignation and Expulsion
Members may render their resignation to the Secretary General. Members who fail to pay three years subscription shall entitle automatic membership loss. They may not claim any reimbursement of dues and their membership will end on 31 March of the year when the resignation was requested. New members only may cancel their membership and request a refund within 2 weeks of the payment date. No refund will be made under any circumstances after these 2 weeks. The resigned/expelled member has no entitlement to the privileges of the Society. They may not claim any share of the funds, any reimbursement of dues or payment of any other kind.

The membership term of the society is one year, from 1 April to 31 March. Emeritus members, Distinguished members, Honorary members are the most privileged members recognized for their phenomenal contributions towards the society and in the field of Hand and m/microsurgery. Complimentary life-term subscription, Journal access, Conference registrations and waivers in all subscriptions affiliated with the society meet and events are the inherited byelaws of the society.
The active members shall pay an admission fee for Rs 100 (INR) and yearly subscription of Rs 500 (INR) in advance before 15th March every year. The members are entitled to have the full benefits from the society including the Journal access, Conferences and other official events. and Associate members have to make their membership permanent after clearing the necessary exams, experience and other details regularly updated by the society rules and bylaws.  The general body meet, and the executive committee can decide about the increase in the membership fees and can also recommend waiver for deserving and honorable members.

For more information about society membership application, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]